Today, I want to tell you a little more about how Dreaming Youth Project started and I also want to introduce our first Dreaming Youth contestant, Tempest Paige. Yay~♥
She's 16 and she lives in NY, USA. She is the designer/entrepreneur of Sweet Poison Cupcake( and she's also a model. Her dream is to open a store in her local mall that carries cute accessories you cannot easily find in the states. Her facebook is here( so please check it out~!
She also collaborated with Pinkly Ever After for our launching table at AN 2011, too, if you visited PEA booth. The rainbow-colored 3-tiered cupcake necklace with a key charm was her design~~!!

(Photographer: Tiffany Spaulding)
Time's rough nowadays and it's really tough for artists out there to make it through, but she seems to have found her path of passion already even though she's only 16. I want to applaud her initiation! I know she's learning, improving and growing as I write~ ^ _^)!! and I really want to encourage her to keep it going!!
I think that the most important thing in life is to keep running towards your dream no matter what and how impossible it may sound. I had really difficult time befoe, too. I let go of my dream once when I was going through hardship. My dream of becoming a designer and making what I loved just seemed unreachable and people around me kept questioning my vision. However, I survived it and now I am back on my feet and up and running again. I will never let go again. Never ever~!
I want the young generation to keep following their dreams and keep trying!!! It's not easy but I hope it will make it a bit easier when they think of me as their loyal supporter and also as a fellow dreamer.
Some people might say the dream is unrealistic or unachievable, but I just want to be there to remind them that they can make it~! Let's watch and support them with love. I am so excited and curious to see what happens in the future~! I hope we will spread the power of youth and inspire others, too, in the future~! Please e-mail us at if you have any inspirational story or if you just want to share your dreams with others~! I'll be waiting~!Lots of Love,
Robin JooBin
Thank you very much for the inspirational word Robin ^-^ I find myself loosing hope quite often, and I have been in a kind of "block" of inspiration for a very long time now...