Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Hello, darlings♥
As I posted on my Twitter, Baby Pinku and Peach Pinku will be at the event promotional table at Otakuthon this Saturday. Yay~~!!!
We are going to promote Pinku! Project's next concert there. For our next event, we are going to a total new place out of Toronto so probably most people will not know Pinku Pro so I am expecting to meet new faces♥ We are ready to spread Pinku Power everywhere! I hope the new audiences are ready to recieve our Pinku Power♥
I don't know how many people are coming to Otakuthon but the exact time and place where Baby and I will be doing the promotion will be posted on Pinku Project's official Facebook page, so please stay tuned, darlings!!

See you soon~~ ^ __^)/

Lots of Love,
Peach Pinku


  1. I wish I could go there (;_;)
    Good luck for promoting and have fun (=^_^=)!
    I can't wait to see this!!


  2. @Mellorine
    This is a promo only event so you are not missing much^_^
    Where do you live? Our next event is far far away and I hope a few people who knows Pinku Pro could come~~

  3. Ohmygosh, have fun you guys! :D

  4. I hope you have a great time! ^-^
    I am sure a lot of people will love you :3
    I wish I could come to your next concert! ^^
    GO GO PINKU! PROJECT! ^^ I am a big fan ;)

  5. I live in France! it's far faaar away (;o;)"
    I hope one day I'll be able to come to your concert, I'll support you \o/ !
